2019 - 24 Management Plan

The Management Plan sets out policies of the local authorities, and proposed actions for a wide variety of partners. It was approved by Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council in June 2019.

The Management Plan aims to influence and guide landowners, organisations and individuals on a wide range of topics by setting out how to best manage the Shropshire Hills landscape.  The Plan is divided into three broad themes with local area sections to highlight key issues and priorities.

  • Land management supporting natural beauty and landscape
  • Planning for a sustainable economy and communities
  • People enjoying and caring about the landscape

Download Management Plan, 2019-24

Please contact us if you would like a hard copy of the Management Plan. 

Management Plan vision

"The natural beauty of the Shropshire Hills landscape is conserved, enhanced and helped to adapt - by sympathetic land management, by co-ordinated action and by sustainable communities; and is valued for its richness of geology, wildlife and heritage, and its contribution to prosperity and wellbeing".

The Management Plan has 5 local area sections which focus on key issues and priorities - click on the links below:

Other pdf downloads related to the Management Plan:

The 2019-24 Shropshire Hills AONB Management Plan was prepared by the AONB Partnership on behalf of Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council.  The Plan was approved in July 2019. 

10 calls to action from the 2019-24 Management Plan

Greater consideration of the valuable landscape in planning decisions, especially about major developments.

Improving the quality of our rivers and water, and looking after river catchments in an integrated way to benefit wildlife, protect soils and improve flood management.

Establishing more new woodland and trees to benefit the landscape, wildlife, farming and water, and to offset losses from tree diseases.

Collaboration to find a sustainable future for farming especially in the uplands, and to develop the new Environmental Land Management scheme.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency and appropriate renewables, and through sustainable transport and agriculture.

Building resilient networks of good quality wildlife habitat across the landscape to reverse the decline of nature.

Supporting strong communities looking after their landscape, including more opportunities for young people to get involved in outdoor and conservation activities.

Promoting enjoyment of the landscape, nature and heritage as a vital aid to people’s wellbeing, including recreation and volunteering.

Promoting an ethos of environmental care in tourism, so that this important economic sector does not undermine the qualities on which it is based.

Stronger status for the Partnership organisation as part of national and international networks, along with more charitable fund-raising to support conservation projects.