Farming projects, 2024-25

Listed below are the projects which have received funding from the Farming in Protected Landscapes Programme.

 The funding is aimed at farmers and land managers in England's protected landscapes and is for one-off farming projects that can demonstrate benefits to climate, nature, people and place. 

The programme is part of the government's Agricultural Transition Plan which is shifting from direct payments to farmers, to rewarding environmentally-friendly practices. 

Scroll down to read summaries of the projects that have been awarded grants in the Shropshire Hills between April 2024- March 2025.

or download the list of projects that have been supported to date by clicking on the button below:

list of all projects in the Shropshire Hills 

Katherine Mellor: Pathfinder Project

Awarded £9,890.99.  Total project value £9,890.99.

May 2024 - March 2025

Digital documentation and mapping of new and existing bridleway routes within the Shropshire Hills National Landscape boundary to encourage more riders of different abilities to visit the area.  

Brooks Farm, Ratlinghope: Lower Darnford water course protection/management and hedgerow creation. 

Awarded £36,590.14.  Total project value £35,590.14.

June 2024 - March 2025

Creation of hedgerow, gapping up and coppicing existing hedge, fencing off a water course and a professional botanical survey. The holding is adjacent to the Long Mynd Site of Special Scientific Interest and the project will provide the starting blocks for a continuation of this high quality habitat.

Graig Farm, Knighton:  Upper Trebert Meadow Project

Awarded £14,359.53.  Total project value £18,337.17.

June 2024 - March 2025

A large project to put in 1450 metres of fencing to minimise livestock access to a 705m length of stream and the approx. 3hectares of linear woodland bordering, and then to subdivide the remaining fields to bring them into rotational grazing management.  

Pool House Hollow, Bucknell:  Provision of water for livestock to enable grazing management, restore pond and create/gap up hedgerows.

Awarded £43,469.37.  Total project value £47,313.37.

June 2024 - March 2025

Pond restoration and protection, 586m of new hedgerow, 25 new hedgerow trees, 195m of gapping up/coppicing, 134m of historic hedge restoration. This project is restoring and creating new habitat corridors for wildlife on the farm. Grassland will also be enhanced through a greater control over grazing which will improve grass production and diversity. 

Welsh Row, Pennerley:  Rotational grazing project 

Awarded £17,882.67.  Total project value £18,431.80.

July 2024 - March 2025

This project will provide infrastructure for rotational grazing, woodland creation to form windbreak and planting new hedgerows. 973m permanent electric fencing to allow for smaller pastures,1km water pipe,174m new hedgerow and trees and 92 trees for a windbreak.

Red House Farm, Cardington:  Facilities for educational visits, creation of new hedge, riparian strips and infrastructure to allow rotational grazing

Awarded £54,406.47.  Total project value £60,591.50.

June 2024 - March 2025

This project includes the conversion of a stone barn for educational purposes, fencing of a brook to create riparian strip and new hedge and provide an alternative water source for livestock, introduce rotational grazing into the management plan for the farm.

Handless Farm, Lydbury North: Regeneration of woodland, enhancement of hedgerows and protection of water courses

Awarded £12,609.26.  Total project value £12,609.26.

July 2024 - March 2025

Restoration of 0.26 ha coppice by thinning mature trees and replanting to create more diverse woodland habitat and fencing to better manage livestock access, watercourse maintenance and fencing to prevent livestock encroachment, totalling 443 m, hedge restoration by gapping, 133 metres.

Walcot Farm, Lydbury North:  Walcot Farm water course/wetland protection.  Hedge row reinstatement.  

Awarded £28,879.94.  Total project value £28,879.94.

July 2024 - March 2025

Protection of 760m of watercourse, restoration of 140m of historic hedgerow, planting of 15 sweet chestnut, fencing off woodland to allow natural regeneration. This project will help with natural flood management to reduce downstream peak flow levels, and improve river water quality. Through habitation restoration, creation and corridors biodiversity will increase on the farm.

photo of a whinchat perched on a branch

Ornithological Surveys & Consultancy, Long Mynd, Church Stretton:  
Whinchat habitat and bracken management on the Long Mynd

Awarded £9,819.00.  Total project value £11,859.00.

July 2024 - March 2025

The project will use professional ornithologists to locate as many nests and territories as possible on the Long Mynd and advise National Trust of the results so they can ensure that the bracken management they are undertaking does not damage whinchat nests or habitats.

photo of hay bales in a field on the farm

Peckledy Farm, Bucknell:  Adding value to low input grassland by adopting rotational grazing systems and improvement of water quality

Awarded £14,240.33.  Total project value £22,756.60.

July 2024 - March 2025

Implement rotational grazing systems in low input grassland using electric fence systems, mobile water bowsers, mobile creep feeders. Rotational grazing will allow longer rest periods to improve soil structure; relieve compaction, build aggregate structure, and maximise production from natures resources: water and sun.