Become a Supporter

Become a Business, Organisation or local Council Supporter

Our Supporter Scheme is the easiest way for businesses, organisations and local councils to help our special hills.  Your support will:

Make a real difference to our special hills 

Help worthwhile community projects across the area 

Take advantage of wide interest and publicity 

Identify yourselves strongly with conserving Shropshire

ensure 99% of your contribution goes to local work in the most tax-efficient way

sign up here

For an annual charitable donation of £250, Business, Organisation or local Council Supporters receive:  

  • The right to display our distinctive Shropshire Hills Supporter logo on business materials and premises.  
  • Their logos on our website pages and widely-circulated annual Conservation Fund report.  
  • Recognition in our press, digital and social media communication throughout the county and beyond.  
  • Participation in our annual event to celebrate activities and achievements with community groups, Friends and other partners and supporters.  
  • Strong identification with active conservation work addressing vital concerns about the natural world and climate change. 
  • The opportunity to become involved in specific Shropshire Hills projects offering wider corporate and social responsibility benefits and recognition.

photograph of the late autumn sun over Caer Caradoc in the Shropshire Hills AONB

The Conservation Fund 

In recent years our core small grant scheme has helped over 50 community groups across the Shropshire Hills deliver 70 conservation projects involving more than 1000 people.  Each year our seed funding delivers more than two and a half times its value in additional income and volunteering time – often very much more. The projects our carefully-structured application and approval system supports: 

  • Deliver effective, locally-led wildlife, heritage and landscape conservation; 
  • Bring communities together in supportive networks with a shared sense of purpose; 
  • Engage a wide range of young people and groups in worthwhile volunteering; 
  • Build valuable nature recovery knowledge, skills and enthusiasm across the Area; and, 
  • Kickstart activities which frequently multiply into much more ambitious initiatives; 

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Fix the Fort Appeal 

We are also addressing serious erosion on the Iron Age hillfort that crowns the iconic Caer Caradoc with a high-profile appeal to fund contractors and volunteers to repair its ramparts and harden paths against further damage.  

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Shuttle Bus Supporters’ Scheme 

Our scheme helps keep the Shropshire Hills shuttle bus running across the Long Mynd and Stiperstones on summer weekends, allowing people to enjoy the area in a climate-friendly way and reducing the burden of traffic on roads and popular locations. 

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Project Volunteering 

We signpost volunteers to a range of tree-planting, river improvement, wildlife monitoring, habitat management and heritage support projects undertaken by the Shropshire Hills National Landscape team and partners – including Shropshire Wildlife Trust, Severn Rivers Trust, Woodland Trust, National Trust, Caring for God’s Acre, Butterfly Conservation and the Shropshire Ornithological Society.  

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Please contact us if you are interested in supporting the Shropshire Hills by joining our business network or exploring any other sponsorship opportunities.

download leaflet

As a Supporter, one of our Trustees would be more than happy to visit you at any time to discuss how best we can match our specific activities to your particular needs in the most productive and tax-efficient ways.

Registered Charity no. 1168432