There’s never been a more urgent call to save nature, not just in the Shropshire Hills, but everywhere.
One in six species in the UK are under threat of extinction*. Habitat loss and climate change put a risk every one of the special plants, flowers, animals, insects, and birds you love to see when you visit the Shropshire Hills. Every penny the Shropshire Hills Landscape Trust receives is spent on nature recovery and community engagement projects.
You can support this work by gifting a donation to the Shropshire Hills Landscape Trust.
This can be a one-off donation or more regular payments.
If you can help, even the smallest donation to our Conservation Fund can make a big difference to the animals, birds, plants, and insects that are so vital to sustaining life in this landscape.
If only 10% of the people who visit the Shropshire Hills gave just £1, with added gift aid, we’d have £300,000 a year to spend on wildlife recovery and engagement.
Thank you for your support.
Registered Charity no. 1168432