
Shropshire Hills National Landscape to take part in £2M Ground-Breaking National Art Project

Shropshire Hills National Landscape is going to take part in a £2M ground-breaking national art project, Nature Calling, which is funded by Arts Council England, the Department for Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs (Defra) and National Landscapes in England. 

Nature Calling is a first for National Landscapes because of its size, scope and the level of investment. It aims to inspire new communities across England to connect with National Landscapes, increasing their access to nature, improving their wellbeing [1] and inspiring a sense of belonging in these special places [2].  

Nature Calling will bring together the 34 National Landscapes in England, local arts organisations and community groups from within a 30-minute journey time of their nearby National Landscape. They will work together to co-create artworks inspired by these iconic places and the results will then be shared with the public in a Season of Art from May - October 2025. It is expected that 70,000 people will take part.  

National Landscapes are the UK’s nearby countryside. 66% of people in England (44 million) live within 30 minutes of a National Landscape, over 1 million people live within them and at least 170 million people visit every year. Nature Calling aims to encourage even more communities to feel welcome to enjoy these special places on their own terms. 

Here at Shropshire Hills National Landscape, we will work with our local communities and as the project develops, we will share information about how people can get involved.  

John Watkins, Chief Executive of the National Landscapes Association said: 
“The great thing about Nature Calling is that it’s a chance for new voices to interpret the National Landscapes of England in new ways. Arts Council England and Defra funding means we can deliver our first all-England arts programme with six National Landscape teams working with artists to celebrate these iconic places with a season of events in 2025.”  

Darren Henley, Chief Executive, Arts Council England, said: 
“Throughout time, our greatest artists have been inspired by England’s wonderful landscape. Now, we’re supporting a new generation of artists to bring to life their own awe-inspiring work in response to our natural environment. I’m excited to see what they will create.” 

Nature Calling is a partnership project between the National Landscapes Association, Activate Performing Arts, Poetry School and 6 National Landscapes that will operate as key hubs of activity.

Taking inspiration from National Landscapes, writers will start the creative process with words in the form of poetry, song, prose or rap for example. Using these words, local communities will work with artists to co-create their presentation piece for the Season of Art. This could include dance, theatre, installation, digital, or music. To get find out more and ways to get involved visit 


Media contacts 

  • Sabina Eberle, PR Consultant, National Landscapes Association  
    Tel. 07306 618 149 Email. 
  • Ruth Colbridge, Communications and Media Manager, National Landscapes Association 
    Mobile: 07398 743579  Email:  

Notes to editors

Research shows that being in green spaces and nature is good for people’s health and wellbeing and that if people recognise that they are a part of nature, they are more likely to protect it. [1] The University of Derby’s award-winning Nature Connectedness research shows that the wellbeing benefits of nature connectedness are quantifiable and that five broad types of activity lead to nature connectedness: sensory contact; emotional engagement; noticing nature’s beauty; engaging with the meaning of nature through arts and caring for nature.

[1] Evidence Summary – Nature Connections ( 

[2] New guide shows the pathways to a stronger connection with nature - 2021 - University of Derby 

A National Landscape is an area of countryside in England, Wales, or Northern Ireland, that has been designated for conservation due to its significant landscape value. Areas are designated in recognition of their national importance by the relevant public body: Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency respectively. In place of National Landscapes, Scotland uses the similar national scenic area (NSA) designation.  

National Landscapes offer a uniquely integrated perspective in decisions about land use: convening conversations, bringing people together, and enabling a sustainable balance of priorities for nature, climate, people and place.  

National Landscape Partnerships own no land, so their work is delivered by convening strong networks with landowners, farmers and partner organisations, working together to plan projects, and secure funding to deliver them.   

The ​​National Landscapes Association is the non-profit membership organisation representing the UK’s National Landscapes.  

Arts Council England 
Arts Council England is the national development agency for creativity and culture. We have set out our strategic vision in Let’s Create that by 2030 we want England to be a country in which the creativity of each of us is valued and given the chance to flourish and where everyone of us has access to a remarkable range of high-quality cultural experiences. From 2023 to 2026 we will invest over £467 million of public money from Government and an estimated £250 million from The National Lottery each year to help support the sector and to deliver this vision. ( 

Activate Performing Arts 
Activate promotes, supports and produces performing arts projects in communities. Bringing worldclass events to unexpected places, like town centres, village squares, beaches and hilltops. Activate bring people together, offer advice, and provide access to learning and resources; helping creatives at all levels on their journey towards creating outstanding, inspiring work.  
Activate aims to break down barriers and reach the widest possible audiences, while celebrating the natural landscape and sense of place.  

Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 
Defra is the ministerial department of UK Government responsible for improving and protecting the environment.  Defra funds for Nature Calling form part of the work programme of the Protected Landscapes Partnership. 

Poetry School  
Poetry School is the UK’s largest provider of poetry education. 

Published by Shropshire Hills National Landscape on